Saturday 28 December 2013


This may or may not have taken me several hours to draw...

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas...

Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, a glorious Festivus and a very pleasant Kwanzaa to you all ^_^

Monday 23 December 2013

The Lost Science of Neurobotany


A while ago I found an incinerator in the back of the art room at school, (ok, it was a kiln, but isn't it more fun to think of it as an incinerator?) I figure this is where they put the kids who don't do their homework.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Thursday 19 December 2013


Don't forget to be awesome!
Project for Awesome 2013

Monday 16 December 2013

Creepy Santa

The idea of Santa Claus is a bit creepy when you think about it...

Monday 9 December 2013


I predict a large part of my school holidays will consist of me playing Bioshock and Skyrim for hours on end.

Sunday 8 December 2013

The 2am Show

"Good evening and welcome to the 2am show with Bill... (or good morning, whichever) Tonight I'll be interviewing an eye witness of yesterday's mysterious sink hole incident."

Saturday 30 November 2013

A Drawing of Sherlock

"I think the snail situation has gotten a bit out of hand..."

A few snails started breeding in my fish tank a while ago, I think they came in on a plant but who knows, they might be aliens growing an army to take over the world. Anyway, I kept them there to clean the algae but now there must be about 100 of them. They are indeed a bit out of hand...

Sunday 24 November 2013

Jess Murray Thing

Edward and Delores in Hell

A Tale By Jess Walls and Jess Murray

Delores was a strange girl, you see, she was half owl and half girl and covered in fleas
And Edward too was quite odd indeed, he was from twilight and liked watching people bleed
They went to inspect a cave one day and after a while they lost their way
They came across some glowing green goop, through which they proceeded to duck and loop
And they saw a whale in that very dark cave, a whale who very badly needed to shave
They mounted the fluffy old whale who was beginning to look rather pale
The sat upon the wales back then headed down the rickety track
The way to hell was long and slow and the wind began to blow and blow
They took off up into the air "look!" Shouted Delores "look over there!"
Undead fat piglets they were and they spoke with an almost American slur
Hell was under construction due to all the destruction on Earth
There was renovation throughout the nation of Hell
"What is this?" A booming voice growled, "who happened upon my sacred shroud?
"How dare you come into my lair! How dare you destroy without a care!"
And with that there was a wild chase, the devil mounted a friendly face, the neon cat began to race
Ed and Delores were at a rapid pace on a peacock by the name of Grace
The devil sat down and with a rather large frown he began to have a breakdown.
He cried, "I will now tell you the story of my life, for it is very cruel and fiddled with strife
My childhood was quite terrible you see, no one loved me, not even momma Dee
I was bullied by almost everyone at school, they would laugh and point and call me a fool
Sick and tired from all the trouble, they picked up and left before it could double
To the devil they said farewell, they blew him a kiss and then left hell
As they went down the path a wolf stood in their way, "that's a rather large wolf!" "I do say!"
Edward looked at his face, it made him sick, so he got on his knees and sucked his boot.
"Hey, asked the wolf. Have you seen a little girl today?"
Ed guzzled him up and they walked away
“Nuh uh sister you ain't getting no girl!”
He ate him with one bite and started to hurl
Edward and Delores walked all the way home after stopping off for an ice-cream cone
The End

Saturday 23 November 2013

Little Green Bag

A thing I drew from Reservoir Dogs, Little Green Bag is the groovy song that plays as they walk down the street.

Edward and Delores in Hell: coming soon

This looks like an album cover for the White Stripes or something... Poem coming soon :)

Thursday 21 November 2013

A Groovy Dude

The presenter from the Japanese Unbeatable Banzuke. We used to watch it after dinner for a few months, he was always so enthusiastic and awesome. I love his hand gestures.

Wednesday 20 November 2013


For some, heaven is frolicking in the long summer grass with a goat.

Monday 18 November 2013

A Catastrophic Household Flood

The other day the washing machine broke, the puddles must have been about ankle deep. The water almost soaked through to my sister's bedroom 2 rooms down the hall!

Saturday 9 November 2013

Talking Heads Poster

I made a thingamajig for school…keeping in mind all the information is from Wikipedia I think it turned out a whole lot better than the first first attempt when I tried printing and cutting out the pictures.

Friday 8 November 2013

Mr. Fiend

The Misadventures of Jess In the Kitchen: Volume 9873, Brown Rice

I opened up the microwave and thought to myself “Why the heck does it smell like burned toast?!” then I opened the lid and it was almost black. I tried to get it out to but it in the bin and *try again* with more water and the whole bottom of the container had melted… I didn’t know what to do so I took it out and scurried back to my room. The moral of this story: don’t trust Jess in the Kitchen.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Thoughts From An Audience

Cough after cough seemed to be wafting the through the crowd, so much so that one would not be surprised if there was some sort of coughing competition going on right there and then, nor would one be surprised if a plague had spread by the following morning. “If only that dreadful coughing would come to and end,” she thought to herself. It continued. Cough after retched cough. “That infernal coughing! Surely that can be normal!”
Somewhat robotic thankyous were given as if no one was really thankful at all.
Classical music played in the background as someone walked up to the podium. “May I take this moment to tell you that shouting out or applauding when an individual’ s name is called is inappropriate at this formal and dignified occasion.” Much unlike at other schools where everyone is yelling and whistling and clapping I found it kind of interesting and kind of ridiculous.
I can’t feel my butt.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Jesss Ocarina Adventures!

So I got an ocarina the other day and thanks to this dude: I can now play: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Amazing Grace and Song of Time from the Legend of Zelda. It's pretty groovy...

Saturday 26 October 2013

Augustus and the Elevator

Augustus was a black rabbit with long ears, legs, feet and long arms. He had a white face and a fluffy white tail. Every morning he would ride the old fancy elevator up to level five, not because his stop was at level five but because he couldn’t stand being in the elevator with the somewhat podge cat that would get on every morning at level three. But this morning was quite a peculiar morning and the cat didn’t get in at level three, nor level four, the cat wasn’t there at all. Now you must be thinking to yourself that of course the cat was sick or had some important errands to run, but that wasn’t the case.
Augustus stood silently in the right corner of the elevator near the floor buttons. He watched the little lights change above the door until he noticed that he was on level ten, but there were only nine stories in the building? Perhaps it was a glitch, but as it seems, this was a very unusual day and again, that was not the case. The elevator continued past level fifteen and sixteen, then on past level thirty and forty. At this point Augustus was beginning to be quite concerned, and of course; worried. He could feel the elevator moving beneath him, it seemed to be speeding up, pulling him towards the floor. Augustus collapsed as the floor level passed seven hundred and continued at a terrific speed! Feeling the g-force pulling him down, Augustus lay flat on the floor until DING!
Augustus floated back up off the floor, the elevator door opened…

Tuesday 22 October 2013